Monday, January 28, 2008

This morning as we were getting ready

for school, Ellen got a round brush caught in her hair. It sent waves of horror through my entire body. That brush was within an inch of her scalp and fully entwined. I told her we had two choices - cut it out or pull out as much hair as possible from the brush. One choice would be painless but would have lasting visable effects. The other would hurt, but would probably not be noticeable. So I worked at getting as much hair out of the brush as possible. It didn't take too long, but it was uncomfortable for Ellen and the brush had lots of hair in it when we were done. Her hair looks the same and that was the desired outcome. Ellen will never use a round brush again. I gave her a Tylenol afterward. She said it actually helped a lot.

I'm hoping for a late start or snow day Tuesday or Wednesday. It could happen.


Glorianna said...

Yeah, it hurt pretty bad. MY head hurts when you touch it though.

Laurie said...

Ouch! Was it in the back or on the side? I've never been able to get the hang of using a round brush when I blow dry. Were you blow drying?

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm - I'm flashing back to an incident with mom and a brush curling iron. Shari, I believe you and I worked to get it out. Do you remember it? nancy

Shari said...

Nancy, that is why I was so horrified. My experience with Ellen was actually better than the one with mom.