Thursday, January 3, 2008


While out "junking" with Laurie this summer I ended up starting an odd little collection - sillisculpts from the 60s and 70s. As a kid I remember seeing them all over the place. Whose house didn't have at least one? We were in the Goodwill in Hibbing and picked up one that said "World's Best Mother." I saw that it cost 49 cents and decided that I am the world's best mother and need a statue to prove it. We walked a few blocks down to the Salvation Army store and they had one that said "I love you this much." He cost a dollar. At that point I became a collector. This really isn't something that I would display in my home unless I had a nifty lava lounge, but it makes a fine collection for the classroom. My coworker was getting rid of a shelf at the beginning of the school year and I immediately claimed it for my collection.

I have 22 of them so far - one sits on my desk. It is the same as the greatest mother one, but it has a little coin holder that I use for holding paper clips. Laurie found that one for a quarter! The ones I collect are labeled "Paula's" or "R. W. Berrie." My rule is to not pay more than a dollar - not a problem and probably won't be for quite a while. Laurie has picked up a couple for me as well as my aunt Kris. Thank you! I really do enjoy getting new ones. I show them to my 4th graders and I think I have them believing they are something special. My co-workers laugh when they see them, but they admire and usually talk about the ones that used to be in their house when they were growing up. It's a good thing.


Laurie said...

That is fun to see your collection in your classroom!! You have room for more too. :) Did your kids like the one with the bird about to poop on a guy's head?

Shari said...

They did like the bird poop one. When I showed them the 10 cent price tag, they knew it was a great deal.

Anonymous said...

Did you take the one mom and dad have/had?

Shari said...

I did not take that one even though Mom offered it. I think that is a pretty common one and I should be able to find one on my own. Plus, it would feel like stealing. I don't think Mom would care at all, but Dad might miss it.