Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Snow Day!

I was feeling like the odds were good that we'd stay home today. It was 40 degrees here yesterday and there was just a wet, sticky feel to the air all day. It started to rain later in the early evening and within a couple hours the roads were very icy. When Paul was at the fire hall he heard over the scanner that the state highway department was advising no travel. You take icy roads and throw in severe windchills, and you have the makings of a snow day.

I turned on the tv before I hit the shower and they were just showing that the Duluth area schools were closing. I got the call around 6:25 that we would be closed. We turned on the tv and saw that almost all of the Iron Range schools were closed. It's possible that we'll be home tomorrow too. We are supposed to have windchills as low as 50 to 60 below.

Carly has a cold, so it works out well for her to stay home. Ellen got up when she heard the phone ring and then went back to bed. I plan to watch a movie, get some little jobs around the house done, and just relax. I have been pretty tired of school, so this is a nice little break.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

I tried to comment on this post earlier but Blogger wasn't coopering with me. I said it must be nice to have a weekend in the middle of the week. It seemed like a long week for me but I bet it was nice and short for you. Hope you had a relaxing break and that Carly is feeling better. My car said 29 on the way home tonight on Friday. Much better!!! Mom is here and we're going to watch Friday Night Lights in a few minutes. We're going to St. Cloud tomorrow for some shopping. Talk to you on the way down tomorrow maybe! Mom likes your blog and Ellen's too. They're thinking about getting internet access soon.