Sunday, January 27, 2008

Ellen's Sleepover

Friday night Ellen's best friends, Kayla & Meg stayed overnight as a late celebration of Ellen's 11th birthday. Ellen only wanted to invite two friends rather than have a bunch of girls over. We thought that sounded great. You've all met Kayla before, but Meg is a newer friend. Meg moved to Nashwauk last spring from Milbank, SD. Ellen & Kayla liked her right away and they hang out together a lot in school. We had heard Ellen talk about her quite a bit and were glad to get to know her.

They played Guitar Hero, Dance Dance Revolution and just hung out. We had pizza from Sammy's, homemade ice cream, and the girls decorated cupcakes. At about midnight, I told the girls they had to go to sleep. Carly was very put out out that I didn't let her hang out with the big girls in Ellen's room. At one point she said to them sarcastically, "Are you having a great time?"

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Looks like a fun time! Meg looks like a nice girl. Very nice that she met two new friends like Ellen & Kayla. Glad that Ellen had a fun birthday. Carly has the funniest comments.