Saturday, January 5, 2008

Spartan Basketball

Ellen had to cheer on Friday night, so that meant Spartan basketball would be our evening's entertainment. Our team played Minneapolis Edison. This was a first. Our coach played college basketball with the assistant coach of the other team. We expected our team to get completely blown away but they usually stayed within 15 points. The other team was significantly taller and older. The crowd enjoyed the game for what it was. The other team scored over 100 points and our boys had over 70.

Carly was hoping that Ella and Emma would be there. They are her friends from her ECFE class. Their dad is the head coach of our team, so they are often at the home games. Ella is a year younger than Carly. Emma will be two in the spring. I have to think really hard before I say their names, because I can't keep them straight. Ella and Carly visited and cheered the entire item. They put on an excellent 1/2 time show while the band played.
We had a sitter lined up for tonight, but Paul had a stomach bug so we called Jill and cancelled. He spent most of the day sleeping. I just did laundry, an exercise dvd and started reading "The Glass Castle." So far I like the book. I thought about buying groceries, but I think we can make it until Monday when Ellen is at piano lessons. No plans for tomorrow.

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