Saturday, July 19, 2008

Sewing Project

Carly is using our new Pyrex bowl from the 60s to frost Bob Dylan Fudge Bars (I think I posted that recipe back in February - they're really good. We frosted them using the cocoa frosting recipe from the red Betty Crocker cookbook - a good combination). She's also wearing her new apron. I made five of them this week. I used the pattern from the Raggedy Ann costume I made a few years ago - I just left off the shoulder straps. They require 1 yard of fabric, rick-rack, and elastic. They cost less than $5 to make. Each one took about 90 minutes from start to finish. I bought a $6 gadget for turning straps right side out and that saved a lot of time. The first one I made is pictured on Carly in the post below. I decided to make them an inch shorter after that one and thought they looked cuter. Isn't my apron model cute? She refused to pose in all five aprons, so I don't think she has a future in the industry.

Since Carly is into cats, I bought a couple of cat prints. I love the cherry prints and I think the ladybug one is my favorite. Click on the picture to take a closer look. I thought these would be fun gifts for little girls. I'm thinking I need to pick up a cute pattern for adult aprons because they would make fun gifts for big girls too.

Not much is going on here. We went to a craft fair in Old Hibbing. It gets worse every year. We bought the girls cheap rings that they are very happy with. It rained when we got home. My plans for the evening are to watch one of our Netflix movies.


Anonymous said...

cute aprons - you selected fun fabrics. I think you should try some bigger ones (hint hint) Nancy

Laurie said...

They are adorable! I really like the cat one she modeled first. I'm sure they all look cute on her. Her hair is really getting long, it's very pretty!

Shari said...

We've been working on growing out her bangs. She recently reached the point where they lay to the side and stay out of her eyes much better. It really makes her hair seem much longer.

Shortly before it started to rain today Carly and I went to Joanns and we picked out some more fabric. I'm going to make three more and then quit for a while.

We stopped at that antique shop too. I bought a really great vintage apron. It's a full fitted apron. It fits perfect. They had several of them and I had a hard time deciding which one to get. The little sign said they were made years ago to be used as gifts, but had just been left in storage. I'll have Ellen take a picture of me in it.