Friday, July 4, 2008

4th of July 10K

At 7 am Paul dropped us off in Naswauk. We had pre-registered so we picked up our numbers and sent the tee shirts home with Paul. Ellen would be walking the route with Kayla. They took off at 7:30. At 8:00, Nancy & I took off with the runners. It was a nice morning. It wasn't windy or humid and the temperature was pleasant.
Just one more block to go. We are not being beaten by the two walkers. You have to remember that they left 30 minutes before we did. They set it up that way so that everyone is finishing around the same time.
Still running!
Kayla and Ellen on the final stretch.

Done! After the race they had bottles of water or Gatorade at the city park and a short awards ceremony. None of us won any medals this year, but it was a good time. It's a good, clean cut event and it's something I enjoy being a part of. It was really nice to run the race with Nancy. The time seemed to go by twice as fast running with someone else. We finished in 52 minutes which isn't bad at all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I was there, I would totally be walking with Kayla and Ellen! Nice job you guys! We just came up from the cabin, the fireworks were amazing this year, all over the lake, it was hard to know where to look.