Saturday, July 19, 2008

New Pyrex

Earlier this week I had an appointment in Hibbing and since I'd be alone, I knew it would be a good opportunity to visit a couple of thrift & antique shops. There are four of them located very close together. I had no luck at Goodwill which was my first stop - not even a tacky figurine. I then crossed the street and went to Antiques on Howard. I got the Pyrex bowl in the photo above for $9.50 - which is a good deal for an antique shop. This set is very collectable. This bowl would not sit there for long. Rachael Ray uses that bowl often on her show. It's in really good condition - bright blue dots, no fading. If this bowl was in the Salvation Army in Morris, they'd put at least $5 on it. The lady who runs the antique shop in Morris would buy it and put it on the shelf for $25 where no one would buy it because it is overpriced. It will be fun to see if I can come up with the orange and yellow bowls that go with it. There is a larger green dotted bowl, but I guess that one is really hard to get. I picked up a couple other items at this shop, but I'll post them later. I did well there. I'm going to have to start swapping out some items. Everyone on my gift list should assume that they'll be in line for some old kitchen thing in the future. I promise it will be cool and that food prepared in it will taste better.

There is a thrift shop run by a local church that has a pretty good housewares section. Like every thrift shop, it's hit or miss. I found this 1 quart Pyrex pitcher for $2.29. The paint is perfect on it and it's really cute. I'm just using it as a water pitcher in the fridge. At one time there was probably a little yellow cover that fit inside it, but I'm not entirely sure of that. I've had my eye out for one of these, so I was very happy to find it. Carly took this picture. She took another one that was a better one of me, but the pitcher photographed better in this one, so I chose to showcase my chins as well. I have a lot of crap on my fridge.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Great score on the polka dot bowl!! The pyrex pitcher is neat too. I have never seen one like it-it looks like there are really lemons floating in there. You and Carly look like you're having a good time in the kitchen. That's neat that she enjoys that so much.