Monday, July 21, 2008

A New Old Apron

I mentioned in a comment below that I had picked up a full length vintage apron today. Half aprons work great for baking cookies and most other kitchen jobs, but I wanted one that I could wear when I make things like spaghetti sauce - things that splatter and stain. I liked the fitted style of this one. It has bias tape trim all around it. It has two small pockets.

I even think the back of it is cute (Its not very often that I post a picture of my backside). They had several others like it and I decided on this one because it was a darker color and would even match my kitchen. It was tempting to get a couple, but you have to give yourself reason to keep going into these stores. You can't buy everything. This was a fun thing to find.

If you click on the picture above you can see the top a little better. The little sign above the stack of aprons said that these aprons were made to be used as gifts, but just sat in storage over the years. It's finds like this that make me think that I should just keep my eye out for vintage aprons instead of sewing them. I couldn't sew this for less than I paid for it. I wore it tonight when I made homemade pizza sauce. I tripled the recipe and froze it. I'm starting to get in that phase of summer when I start cooking and freezing things for during the school year.

I should also mention that today 1100 bikers pedaled through town today as part of the MS biking fundraiser they do every year. I went out for a run early this morning and met a few bikes on my way back into town. If I had gone out later, I would have met up with many bikes. They stagger their leave times, so they were coming through all morning. Carly and I walked up to the libary and then we sat on a bench with some ladies and watched the bikers come through. They were waving and cheering for them, so we did too. This kept Carly entertained for about 45 minutes. She would announce when she saw a new group of bikers coming down the hill and how many there would be. They used our trail two years ago for this same ride. I bought a new bike the same day they rode through Keewatin. That was part of my plan for that week, but that got me fired up to go out and get one that day. It was also right after Lance Armstrong won his final Tour de France and I figured there was an opening for me for the next one.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

It's a very pretty apron! You are right, it is much cheaper & easier to buy an old one. I like the bias tape detail. The pattern is very fun too-love the green. Aprons are fun to collect and they don't take up a lot of room.