Saturday, June 14, 2008

Pyrex Bowls

I was pretty excited about this find. There are a lot of people who collect old Pyrex and I have noticed from ebay that pink Pyrex is especially popular with buyers. This complete set in good condition doesn't usually go for less than $50 - then you throw in at least $15 for shipping. I've seen it go close to $100. So for me to get it for $10 was the best garage sale find I'll probably ever have.

This set is from the Gooseberry pattern from the late 50s/early 60s. It had some discoloration along the edges and bottom, but I thought if I gave it a good cleaning I could get most of it off and I was able to. About the only thing I can point out is that the biggest bowl seems to be lighter in color than the other pink bowl.


Laurie said...

Wow, that is a beautiful set!!!! I can see why you were so excited.

Shari said...

Isn't the pink awesome?! Seriously, I gasped when I saw it sitting in the box. It was exciting to find something that I never really thought I'd find.

I'd be up for a thrift store Xmas. I can already think of a couple things I could give away.