Thursday, June 19, 2008

Carly's Room

On Monday we had a couple of Paul's coworkers come in and paint the kids' bedrooms. Paul and I cleared the rooms and they got right to work. We spent quite a bit of time decluttering and got the rooms put back together quickly. I'm thinking we are going to go with a more neutral curtain, but in the meantime,we just put back up what we had.

Carly's room is quite pink. I'm still getting used to it. She wouldn't pose for a picture in her bed, but she was happy to pose for a picture with her friend, Ella. They spent Tuesday afternoon playing together.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

I like the blue curtains. They tie in with the Holly Hobby frames and are a nice contrast with the pink actually. Both rooms look really nice! Their bedding is very pretty. Carly's sign does look cute in her window.