Sunday, June 15, 2008

Lars and the Real Girl

One of the nice things about Netlfix is that it will get you to watch something you would pass off as "stupid" if you saw it in the rental section of a store. Normally I would pass on a movie about a young man who purchases a life size sex doll and treats her as a real companion. But the reviews at Netflix were good, so I thought we'd give it a try.

Paul and I watched this last night. It's a comedy/drama with more emphasis on the drama. It's a feel good movie. There's nothing really even sexual about "Bianca." We really liked Lars, his family, and his town. We even liked Bianca. I don't think I've seen Ryan Gosling in any other movies, but I thought he made this sad, lonely, odd man very lovable. I'm still laughing about parts of it this morning. If you have Netflix, put it at the top of your queue and then give me a call after you watch it. Laurie, it is worthy of pay-per-view. I think Dan would enjoy it too.


Laurie said...

I am very intrigued and want to see it!

Anonymous said...

I meant to mention to you that the writer of this movie was one of the writers for "Six Feet Under." I know you and Dan were fans of that show.


Anonymous said...

When are you going to post pictures of the new bedrooms?
