Sunday, April 6, 2008

Postcards for Obama

Since it is an election year there is no way I can avoid political talk on my blog since Paul and I are both incredibly interested in presidential politics. We are very pro-Obama in this house. We are not anti-Hillary or anti-McCain, so I won't be ripping on them here if you happen to be a visiting Republican or Hillary fan. If you don't like it, like me anyway. It won't be that often.

Yesterday morning I was browsing through Barack Obama's website. He has a very impressive website if you haven't visited it. You can check for events in your state and there are all sorts of groups that have formed on his site. In the events section for MN, I saw that a woman from Virginia, MN is hosting a "Postcards for Obama" event. You don't have to go anywhere, you can do it at home. You buy regional postcards and write a pro-Obama note on the postcard. You put stamps on the postcards, place them in a larger envelope, and then mail them off to a Women for Obama group that addresses them to voters in upcoming primary states. Ellen, Carly, and I went to Walmart yesterday and picked up 20 Minnesota postcards. Ellen and I have been working on getting the notes written. We only have a few more left to do and we'll get them in the mail tomorrow.

Paul kind of shook his head on this one, but I really like it. I am someone who is moved by the person who makes their own political sign to display in their yard. I like political activism that is done by a regular person more than a $100,000 ad that runs during Wheel of Fortune. Plus I liked that this was something that Ellen could help with, and Carly helped with picking out the postcards. I like to think that the person who receives the postcard will think it's nice to connect with a voter from Minnesota. It's a little more personal. I certainly don't expect that it will get someone to change the way they planned to vote, but I know that I was heavily persuaded by the 3 different women who called from Iowa in the days leading up to Super Tuesday.
The next political post will probably be when I get a new tee shirt.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

That's a creative project and you did twenty! The postcard almost makes Mn look like a decent place to live.