Monday, April 7, 2008


We woke up to several more inches of snow on the ground this morning. We know that nearby towns got over 20 inches of snow in this storm, so we are right in that category. All of the schools on the Iron Range are closed for the day. What's crazy is that a town about 30 miles south of us only got 2 inches - they were only 2 hours late. I really should have got out to take pictures before Paul plowed snow, because when the driveway and streets are cleared it doesn't look all that bad. When you view the above photos I think it is important to remind you that on Saturday we had no snow.

Hopefully this will melt quickly.


Laurie said...

Oh my gosh! You are going to have that snow until the 4th of July I'm afraid!! That is really something. So sorry......

Laurie said...

It look like we could get 10 inches of snow on Friday. A lot melted so more will take it's place. I bet we won't have school on Friday as it's going to start pretty heavy early Friday morning. Sigh.