Friday, February 1, 2008

For Dan

I drove uptown afterwork to get the mail and was surprised at how many cars were there. At first I was thinking there must be a meeting at the union hall. Then I saw Norm Coleman standing in front of the City Hall building and remembered that Keewatin Taconite was announcing a major expansion today. I guess Tim Pawlenty was there too. Since I had a Democratic post yesterday, I thought it would be fair to balance it out with a Republican post. I try to be like FOX News.

I wonder if Norm saw the Al Franken bumper sticker on the back of my jeep.


Anonymous said...

I'm jealous that you were in the presence of greatness. Just think what Pawlenty will do as VP. :) Dan
Thanks for the post!!

Shari said...

I don't know. I can't really see Hillary or Barack choosing him as a running mate.