Sunday, May 3, 2009

Tacky Statues - we love them

I have added several little statues to my collection lately. Sarah and Sharla found some at Goodwill recently. They were really cute ones - two different Get Well Soons and one of a little guy holding a flower declaring his love. I got the ones above for a quarter each. I have 4 variations of the World's Best Mother one - this one is quite a bit smaller than the others. One of them has a change holder on it and I keep it on my desk to hold paper clips. There are two different types of sillisculpts - Paula's and Russ Berries. All of these are Russ Berries - they are my favorite. What I think is funny is that my students are genuinely interested in this collection. They notice when I get new ones and they have favorites.

Not all of them can go into the classroom display, but these are the ones that amuse me most. I have one that has been used as a traveling trophy in our building among the people who have been laid off. It has a pink guy with a big blue screw going through his chest. The saying on the bottom is "Work hard, be faithful and you will get your just reward." Sad that it's so fitting.


Robert Huffman said...

My father passed away about 10 years ago and he had one of those statues that you describe in your blog. The "Work hard be faithful and you will get your just reward" was on his desk at home for as long as I can remember. It disappeared and I have been looking for one for 10 years now. I would appreciate it if you would consider selling it or at least getting me the information about the manufacturer so I can find one. I have been to garage sales antique malls and on the internet and yours is the first I have been able to trail. My name is Robert Huffman and My cell number is (850) 960-8600 and my e mail is . It would mean a great deal to my brother and I.

Thank you


Anonymous said...

Robert, that berrie is one of the most common. It's hard to believe you've been looking ten years for it--it comes up on ebay and etsy all the time
