Sunday, May 3, 2009

Remember when I told you we had a fire?

The firemen came to our house the first Sunday morning of March. Paul was making breakfast - pancakes with sausage. He was baking the sausages in the oven when all of a sudden the inside of the oven burst into flames. I had been reading the Star Tribune website on-line drinking a cup of coffee and wasn't too alarmed when Paul told me the stove was on fire. I just thought something dropped to the floor of the stove and that he'd take care of it. Nope. It was a little bigger deal than that. Paul hit it a couple times with the fire extinguisher and called 911. I poured myself another cup of coffee and waited for the fire department to come. Carly hid in her bedroom. Ellen was still in bed and would be the entire time they were there.

They unhooked the stove and put it outside. They used a big fan to suck out all of the smoke from the house - very slick but it also spreads all of the extinguisher dust all over the house. The stove sat in front of our house for about a week. Our neighbor, Robbie, called us and asked if he could have it. We said it was all his after the insurance adjuster took a look at it.

Paul saying thanks and goodbye. Our house was a big mess for a while, but our insurance covered cleaning services from Service Master. Within a week our house looked great. We did go 9 days without a stove. I found that I missed the stove top more than I missed the oven.
Later in the month our washing machine bit the dust and in April the hood of our stove needed to be replaced. We were good for the local economy.

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