Saturday, March 1, 2008

Another One Down

After school yesterday the sub for Ellen's teacher told me that my daughter had not been feeling well. Ellen had not gone to the nurse and & usually don't see her during the day, so I was surprised to hear it. I took her temp when we got home and it was 102.3. She was just miserable. We gave he one adult Tylenol and we got it down to about 100. She woke up this morning and it was 101.8. This has been going around and if it follows the pattern of our school kids who have been sick, she might be feeling quite sick for a few days. Since she had just finished taking an antibiotic on Wednesday, it leads me to believe that this is viral just like the other kids at school.

We were supposed to go to Duluth for a 2 pm hockey game. Paul called someone who works in his school and they were very happy to buy our tickets - this is a sold out game against UND. It's always a tough ticket to get. If we hadn't sold our tickets Paul was going to go to the game with Kayla's dad and they'd sell the remaining two tickets at the door. Paul is going to go fishing instead. I've been working at getting some jobs done around the house.

This past week at work was very long. We had conferences on Tuesday. We don't get our make-up day until March 20th. I'm glad to have the extra day at Easter break - especially since it falls on my birthday, but it would have been nice to have Friday after conferences off like we usually do. I'm at the point of the year where I am really looking forward to summer vacation. It's just not that far off.

On Wednesday we saw that Sun Country was running a great airfare to Fort Myers this summer - $239 round trip. We discussed it that evening and decided that if was still listed on Thursday that we would book it. As of Thursday morning the fare was still listed. As of noon, Sun Country had dropped their daily summer flights to Fort Myers. They go three times a week - never on a Saturday. Since you rent homes Sat-Sat on Captiva, you kind of need that Sat flight. So it was a bummer to start out the day thinking we were going back to our favorite place and ending it with thinking we probably won't be going this summer at all. Airfares at NW are considerably higher and with the expectation of rising fuel costs, I just can't see it going down. We'll keep an eye on it, but our expectations are low.

It's probably about time for Ellen's second Tylenol today. It's just sad how miserable she is.

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