Sunday, March 9, 2008

Easter Ritual

This morning shortly after the girls got up they dyed Easter eggs. This was going to be an afternoon project, but Carly could not wait. The girls look a little rough in the photos. I don't think any hair brushing or primping had taken place at the time they were doing it. It felt like we were doing this a few weeks too early. It just doesn't seem like spring.

Remember when we were kids how long it would take to get the colors dark? The little color kits are far better than they used to be. It doesn't take long at all to get really dark bright colors. Ellen lost interest after the first dozen. Carly would have colored several dozen if I had the eggs for it. I think we'll do this again next weekend and maybe get a kit to bring to Grandma & Grandpa's house.

I made up some egg salad for lunch. I'm not a big fan, but Paul likes it and we have to use up some eggs. He just got home from his first fishing outing and is cleaning fish as I type. He plans to go out again in about an hour. I think he should take Ellen with since they are biting. I doubt that will happen.

I'll have to add the pictures later. Blogger won't let me put them up after a few attempts.


Laurie said...

Yummm, egg salad sandwiches sound yummy. i might have to boil some eggs. Too bad I don't have Carly here to color them for me! YEs, I do remember that you had to soak those eggs for awhile to get a nice rich color.

Laurie said...

Wow, those are bright! Fun pictures of the girls. Ellen's hair is getting very long!