Thursday, January 29, 2009

I'll add a couple more

baptism pictures another time. I can't the photos uploaded. I'll write a little more though. Grant's baptism was at the Lutheran church in Grantsburg, Wisconsin. One thing that surprised me as we drove into town was the number of gift shops between Royce's house and the town. He lives only a few miles from there, but there were a few shops along the way. We may have to visit in the summer and play tourist for a day.

Considering it was -15 or so that morning, the church was pretty full. Lynn's parents, her sils and nieces and nephews were there, as well as a a friend of Lynn's and her daughter. The baptism was your typical baptism. The church did give Grant a really nice little quilt which I thought was a nice touch. Lynn & Royce and the kids officially became members of the church that day too. They got a nice gift basket from the church. I thought it was charming that there were three blocks of different types of Wisconsin cheese in it.

After the service we went back to Lynn & Royce's place for brunch. The food was great. I will admit that I ate two croissants. The raspberry one was so good that I had to try the chocolate custard one too. It was equally good. Someone needs to check out those types of things. Shortly after noon we headed back up north. We had left the dog home and since it was so cold, we felt a need to check on him.

Not much else has been going on here. Paul is heading out to one of his last fire department classes. When it is over he will have a national certification meaning he would be qualified to work for any department in the country. It's good to have options. Carly brought her cash register to show & tell today. Miss Samson and I are pumping her up to bring her Sharpay wig and sing a song for next week's show & tell. Ellen's class is going ice skating tomorrow afternoon and Kayla is staying over night. I'm also taking my class skating. It should be nice out, so it will be good to get out of the school for a while.

Paul and I have the second season of "30 Rock" from Netflix, so we'll be watching that all weekend. Paul is in love with Tina Fey's character Liz Lemon. She really is awesome. We paused it the other night and saw that Liz has a little 70s statue on her desk. I love it.

Have a good weekend!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

That would be fun to join you and play tourist. It is a very lovely area. Did Carly actually wear the wig at school and sing? She's pretty brave if she actually did it. Glad your computer is up and running again.