Friday, November 7, 2008


It was nice enough that night that the girls put out chairs and waited outside for trick-or-treaters. We thought we would have a lot since Halloween was on a Friday and the weather was so nice. I don't think we even had 40 kids come to the house - our lowest turnout ever. We have a lot of Tootsie Pops leftover. Kayla is the one under the sheet. I think her costume is funny. We kept bugging her to smile for pictures.
Carly is wearing the costume I sewed for Ellen a few years ago. She looked very cute that night, but was she ever tired and crabby. Seh wanted Paul to go trick-or-treating for her while she stayed back at the house. It just doesn't work that way.

We were still in full campaign mode on Halloween night. Ellen did not put together a costume until after school that day. We bought a prom dress at a garage sale a few years ago and she worked with that.

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