Friday, November 7, 2008

Election 2008

We were pretty happy with the outcome of the presidential election. Paul and I both stood up and cheered after they announced that Ohio was going for Obama. We cheered again after it was officially announced at 10 pm that Obama had won the election. There was also some crying. It was very moving watching the crowd reaction in Chicago and we have been so caught up in this campaign. Ellen wanted to stay up and watch Obama's speech so we let her under the condition that she could not be crabby the next day. John McCain gave a very nice concession speech. I think his campaign had a lot of problems, but I've always thought he was a nice man. We enjoyed Obama's speech and I always love seeing his family. His girls are so stinking cute and I love that they are getting a puppy. They do deserve it.

Our school levy vote failed, so it will be interesting to see how everything shakes up. Our new superintendent had a short meeting after school and said that we were not to worry about it. He wants us to focus on our classrooms and that it's his job to deal with the finances.

And the Franken/Coleman face off continues.

If you don't watch "30 Rock" I recommend that you go to NBC's website and watch last night's episode with Oprah. This show is so funny anyway, but last night's episode was the funniest one yet. I think this was the best guest appearance I have ever seen on a show. Tina Fey rocks!

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