Sunday, October 26, 2008

Latest addition to the collection

That little pink one just stands out on the shelf, doesn't he? My friend, Sarah, found this one at the local Goodwill and paid 25 cents for it. He was 50% off that day. I was thrilled since this was my first pink one. It's a great little figurine anyway, but the pink ones are not that common. There are light blue ones out there too, but again not easy to find. It had been June since I had picked one up, so I had been on a long stretch without any additions. This was exciting and my 4th graders showed proper appreciation for the rarity of the object. You'd have thought I'd brought in a little live unicorn for show & tell.
It's cold, windy, and rainy here. Paul just left to do some hunting. The girls and I will probably go to Hibbing to see High School Musical 3. Carly is excited and Kayla & Ellen said they'd be willing to go. I told them I would not take kids who were willing to go, they had to be excited like Carly. They said they'd be exicted. I might also carve a pumpkin or two.
Yesterday I did a bunch of housework. I really let things go for a couple of weeks. I started reading the book "Flight" by Sherman Alexie. I am enjoying it, Nancy. We also watched the movie "Recount" last night. I kind of forgot what a bitter pill that was to swallow.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


Laurie said...

Hi Shari,
Nice to see some new photo's on your blog! The new pink statue really does stand out on your shelf. That's neat how the kids enjoy them. You may be creating future collectors. Have any of your students ever given you one? If not, I bet it will happen one day. The weather here today is truly depressing, we have big white flakes at the moment and the wind is very strong. Good day for a movie-hope it's a good one!

Sarah Liend said...

I must say that is quite the collection you have there :)