Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hillary Clinton Visits the Iron Range

Late last week it was announced that Hillary Clinton was going to visit the Iron Range. We didn't know if it would be a rally or a smaller gathering. We weren't sure where it would be held. We did know that if it was a rally that it would probably be in Hibbing since they have the biggest facility to accomodate a large gathering.
On Monday morning we heard it was a 7 o'clock rally at the Memorial Building - doors open at 6, first come, first serve. I had a first aid/cpr class in Hibbing that wasn't supposed to get out until 5:00. So we made arrangements for Ellen to go with Kayla just in case I didn't get back in time. I got home about 4:20. We immediately got in the car and went back to Hibbing. We joined Kayla, Ellen, and Laura in line. Everyone outside was in a good mood - lots of excitement. The line wrapped around the building and across the street. The doors opened immediately at 6 pm and people got in quickly.
Just a reminder that my blog still suffers from the disappearing comment button. Just scroll over the space to the right of the date below and you can read or leave a comment.


Marengo Main Street said...

Awesome pics. I can't believe how grown-up Ellen looks. She's going to be a teenawful before you know it!

It must be great to have your hubby voting for the same guy you are. *sigh*

Shari said...

It really is nice that Paul and I both belong to the blue team - especially this year!

Ellen has some pre-teenawful days already. She knows everything. I know this because 75% of her responses to me are "I know, Mom!" Good times.