Saturday, January 10, 2009

Mad Men

This has been my latest thing to rent from Netflix. My BIL Dan insisted that I would love it and I do, but in a strange way. I don't really like anyone on the show and many of the story lines make me very uncomfortable. It's about Madison Avenue ad executives in the 60s. I love seeing the clothes and interior design. I keep waiting for Betty to pull out one of my Pyrex bowls when she's working in the kitchen.

The sexism in the workplace (and out of it) is hard to watch. I do find the things that people would never do today but that were common back then amusing - just because it's so wrong. They smoke non-stop. Pregnant women drink and smoke. They pull out bottles of alcohol from under their desks several times a day. It's not uncommon to come back to the office after lunch quite drunk. There was a minor car accident and the kids went flying into the front seat and wound up on the floor of the car. Someone very drunk was leaving their house and instead of offering him a ride home, they yelled out a reminder to turn on the headlights. I watched three episodes last night and was sure that there would be three more for me in the mailbox today, but it looks like I'll have to wait until Monday.

My favorite show returns to NBC next week - Friday Night Lights. I made Dan start watching it last year and he likes it as much as I do. Laurie and Dan have been watching the 3rd season on Direct tv and they said it's been really good, so I look forward to watching Coach Taylor and the Dylan Panthers again.


Laurie said...

It is a great period piece. That's one of the main things we like about it besides the storyline of course. You will see the women change as you finish the season and move into the second. It makes you appreciate how far women have come. Peggy rocks!

Shari said...

As of episode 6, Season 1 - Peggy doesn't rock yet. I hate her relationship with Peter the newlywed. I hate Peter. I'm glad to hear that she'll come around because I really like the actress who plays her. She was Zoey Bartlett on The West Wing - the president's daughter.

Laurie said...

Peter is the guy you love to hate but he gets put in his place every so often so that helps. The progression of Peggy's character is very interesting. She didn't become a favorite of mine until later. Even though Don Draper is kind of a jerk, he is HOT!!!!

Anonymous said...

I heart Mad Men, and I'm so glad you're watching. Stick with everybody: just when you are convinced you hate someone (anyone), they get their comeuppance or are shattered in some way... and you'll bring them back into your like column.

I love everything about that show. It's like history class. With sex :)


Sarah Liend said...

Hey, check out my blog... there is a surprise for you :)

Anonymous said...

That is awesome, Sarah! Thanks! We're having computer issues at our house. That is why I haven't blogged in forever. Last week our computer got bogged down with a virus that we couldn't get rid of. We brought it in on Monday and picked it up today. It still isn't working right. I can't log in to do a new post, but it will let me add a comment. Paul's bringing it back in tomorrow. It is getting ridiculous!!


Sarah Liend said...

Bummer about your computer...I know it really sucks to be without one (or the internet at least). We had problems with out modem earlier in the week... Mediacom came out and fixed it yesterday though- Thank goodness :) I will have Braydon run you up that "cute" little statue one of these days:) Sarah