Monday, February 16, 2009

President's Day Weekend with Gracie & Grant

Gracie wasn't all that cooperative about picture taking this weekend. She's not meant to sit still unless she is really tired. I took this one because it reminded me of something that Carly used to do. Any time she had pants with snaps between the legs she'd immediately unsnap them and wear them undone. It was funny to see Gracie doing the same thing.

Grant in his jammies. We were ready for them on Sunday morning. On Saturday morning, Lynn & Royce got up very early to go fishing. Grant and Gracie got up an hour before we thought they would. At 6 am, I was sitting in the rocker in my pajamas with both little ones on my lap. The next day Paul and I both got up about ten minutes before they did. We got a few little jobs done and when they woke up we were ready this time. Breakfast was ready to go for both of them and we had a pot of coffee on for us - much better start to the day.

Gracie and Carly had a lot of fun together. Gracie was pretty good about finding different toys she wanted to play with and Carly was game for all of it. Gracie also really liked hanging out with Ellen and Kayla. If Gracie had a choice between me or Ellen - she always chose Ellen. Gracie was very happy go lucky while she was at our house. She has a nice little eating and sleeping schedule that makes her predictable. For the most part she'll tell you what she wants. She's a classic toddler - a little trail of messes. On Sunday before they left, Lynn & Royce were loading up the truck. I went into my bedroom to get Gracie and she was in there pulling all of the tissues out of a Kleenex box. As soon as she saw me she started shoving them back in the box. I get the feeling she has been caught doing this before.

Cute, cute, cute. I love his little round face. Grant is really a good natured baby. He's very smiley and likes to be held and played with. If he cries it's because he has a need - he's hungry, sleepy, tired, or needs to burp.
Today Carly wanted me to call Royce to see what Gracie was doing. After they left Carly said she wished that every day could be a Gracie day. Royce said that his children seemed to have survived their stay with us without too much damage, so that's good. We've been out of the toddler/baby stage for a while now. You kind of forget just how involved it is. You are busy and you do a lot of things one-handed. It all comes back to you, but you do wonder how you managed to do it every single day. I give Royce & Lynn props for doing it with two kids close together in age. Paul and I were never brave enough to take on two at a time, but we managed just fine this weekend with a lot of help from our older two. It sounds like Royce & Lynn had a nice fishing outing together too. It was a good weekend for all.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Cute pictures! Looks like you guys had a great time.